65 Remote Work Statistics in 2024 You Want to Know About

Stanford confirmed this with a nine-month-long study that concluded remote workers were 13% more productive than in-office counterparts. Their households are somewhat larger than households of those who work on-site. Only 5% of homeworkers live alone, compared to 10% of non-homeworkers. In fact, 27% of teleworkers lived in two-person households, compared to 33% of non-teleworkers. […]

Owner’s Equity Guide: Definition, Calculation, & Statement

A utilitarian approach considers all stakeholders, and both the long- and short-term effects of a business decision. This allows corporate decision makers to choose business actions with the potential to produce the best outcomes for the majority of all stakeholders, not just shareholders, and therefore maximize stakeholder happiness. The current ratio is closely related to […]

Everything You Need to Know About Outsourced Bookkeeping

Outsourcing also allows you to work with a team of experts who are experienced in bookkeeping and understand the unique needs of your clients. This can lead to more accurate and efficient bookkeeping, saving you time and money. The accounting industry suffers from a severe talent shortage, which means they don’t find the time to […]